The new year has started and 2023 welcomes our registration with UKCA and CE certifications for a range of our products. With Brexit now a few years in the past, we have been working hard to achieve and meet the compliance standards for UKCA and CE Certified products which allows us to trade much easier with Europe and the rest of the world. So we are happy to announce that we are now UKCA certified as well as CE Certified with some of our products.
This has meant conforming to the strictest of regulations and requirements which replaces the EU Harmonised Standards. One of the directors noted that, “the hard work has paid off and it is a great achievement for us. It allows us to trade our products in Europe and the around the world much easier than it was before now that the UK is no longer part of the European Trading Block and allows the company to move forward in to the future.”
As part of this instructions will be provided soon to highlight the "Conformity of Product" and "Declaration of Conformity Certificate" and where these will be able to be located and identified to help our expanding customer base. Links will be provided for the guide on relevant product pages which have been certified.
We will provide an update soon on how to get to these instruction pages and when you receive these products what relevant documentation will be provided with them.